Rip. Mix. Build. Digitale disruptie & de stad
Digitale platforms maken in toenemende mate nieuwe maatschappelijke concepten mogelijk die effect gaan hebben alle aspecten van de stad; van op de manier waarop we winkelen, werken, onderwijs volgen als ook hoe we energie en mobiliteit organiseren. Het is juist de combinatie van technologische en sociale innovatie die digitale platformen... -
The rise of the Microtransit movement
Three main trends in transportation Technology site Techcrunch recently reported on three main trends reshaping the future of mobility: on electric, driverless and on demand. These three developments, each in their own stage of development, are collectively reshaping mobility in the 21th century and might be the solution to fast…
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Smart Mobility: Disruptie op drie niveaus
De stad uitgedaagd Ontwikkelingen in ICT zoals Big Data en het Internet of Things versnellen het tempo van de technologische verbeteringen op exponentiele wijze. Door de “wet van Moore” wordt verwacht dat de invloed van ICT op de samenleving als geheel –en daarmee ook de stad- ingrijpend toeneemt, of het…
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Smart Mobility: Disruption on three levels
The city challenged Due to advancements in ICT, such as Big Data and the Internet of Things, the rate of technological improvement is exponentially accelerating. As a result of ‘Moore’s Law’, the impact of ICT on society in general –including urbanism- is also expected to increase in an exponential manner,…
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Five trends in smarter cities in the Netherlands
Recently a magazine asked me to name my personal five trends in smarter cities. Though there are many more, a number of trends came to me immediately – based on what I’ve seen at the recent Smart City Event in the Amsterdam Arena, and the Smartest-City-of-Holland-election (where I performed as…
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(How) will cities survive digital disruption?
Many aspects of the city are subject to digital disruption: platforms such as Uber will challenge traditional taxi services and logistics. Hotels are challenged by AirBnB, shops by online shopping platforms. How can the city cope? Will we – urban planners – struggle with digital disruption for the coming decades,…
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Peter White: “We need holistic solutions for cities, developed and delivered through collaboration”
Peter White is Chief Operating Officer for the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). He is one of the keynote speakers at the Smart City Event 2015 in Amsterdam. In this interview we talked about his view on smarter cities and the recent projects of the WBCSD. What is…
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Stop the profit thinking
‘Smart’ is about the clever use of technology to make cities more livable, safer and sustainable. I’ve written before about the why of using technology, using seven touchstones. The last three principles are about money: saves money, easier maintenance and part of business case. What strikes me about smart projects…
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