E-Health offers so many opportunities for the Health sector

 Hugo Backx, Director of the Association of GGD’s (Community Health Services) in the Netherlands about E-health.  ,,E-Health offers so many opportunities for the Health sector, in monitoring, diagnostics and also definitely for disease prevention which is an important task for the GGD Nederland. The developments are going quick. With the use...

 Hugo Backx, Director of the Association of GGD’s (Community Health Services) in the Netherlands about E-health. 

,,E-Health offers so many opportunities for the Health sector, in monitoring, diagnostics and also definitely for disease prevention which is an important task for the GGD Nederland. The developments are going quick. With the use of  information and communication technologies (ICT) people can be persuaded to change their lifestyles to prevent all kind of diseases. With E-Healthprojects people will be capable to stay longer at home. Important benefit is the approachability.

There are so many examples of new health-apps on the market who make people much more aware of their health, behaviour, lifestyle and risks which make them to decide to change. One of our tasks is also monitoring the health risks of the population, data collection is a part of that. New technologies can play a role in reaching groups. For example youth and to get them to cooperate in a health survey. The Community Health Services in the different regions of our country are all working on different E-Health initiatives. We as GGD Nederland stimulate the exchange of knowledge of this projects. For example in the region West-Brabant the Community Health Centre is working on the project ‘Kind in Beeld’ where in with a interactive website and app. parents can follow development of their child and get at the same time professional advice. This can lead to more efficient help and a cost reduction, which leaves more money for the most vulnerable groups. But although I really believe in E-Health solutions, the expectations should not be exaggerated. we shouldn’t forget that there always will be groups of people who will not use these new technologies. Because of age, mental capability, cultural background. We may not forget this people.”




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