Smart Cities Could Hold Hope for India’s Rural Poor

When Narendra Modi declared last year before becoming prime minister that he would build “100 smart cities,” Indians understood a part of what he said — “100.” But the quest to comprehend the rest of his vision has not been fruitful, even though his government set up a website called...
Smart Cities Could Hold Hope for India’s Rural Poor

When Narendra Modi declared last year before becoming prime minister that he would build “100 smart cities,” Indians understood a part of what he said — “100.” But the quest to comprehend the rest of his vision has not been fruitful, even though his government set up a website called, organized an exhibition called “Smart Cities India 2015” and held news conferences during which a minister used the word “retrofitting” several times. Finally, in June, through a “mission statement,” Mr. Modi agreed that he did not know himself what a “smart city” was.

Source: New York Times

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