Power Matching City

Groningen, The Netherlands

PowerMatching City is a smart grid pilot project and living laboratory that is evolving into a Smart Green City project.

The first phase of the project commenced in 2007 and created an integrated smart grid solution, supporting 25 houses in the City of Groningen, in the Netherlands, which were equipped with small renewable energy generators, smart appliances, electric vehicles and smart meters. The second phase includes 40 households and is focused on the development and demonstration of business models for new services, including demand response pricing mechanisms. The objective is to develop infrastructure, information communication systems and business models to create a scaleable solution that can be rolled out much more widely.

DNV GL Securing quality and robustness
As member of the project team, DNV GL brought all stakeholders together. The team worked on the inter-operability of micro combined heat and power systems, hybrid heat pumps, and smart appliances in one system. Now in the second phase DNV GL will work on the end-user billing and monitor and evaluate the consequences for energy market processes.

Contact person: Frits Verheij
Organisation: DNV GL
Website: www.dnvgl.com/smart-green-cities

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