Multiplying Business Impact

The Netherlands

Recent research on leadership transitions found that nearly 40% of internal job moves made by people identified by their companies as “high potentials,” end in failure.

A firm’s most talented employees can have meaningful effects across the business, but senior executives have to realize that high potential designation is not primarily an acknowledgement of past accomplishments: It is mainly an assessment of future contribution. An important study about leadership disciplines conducted by Liz Wiseman (The Wiseman Group) identified five critical leadership disciplines that can transform a genius into a genius maker? This paper describes how we implemented the Multipliers concept to change a leadership approach and consequently access the full capacity and talent of the leaders’ teams. This approach should start with, and lead to, increased business impact. And that’s what it did. Here, we describe the leading question, give some insights into our approach, and take you into our lessons and outcomes.

Double your workforce for free?
Liz Wiseman gave a closing keynote speech at the A(S)TD 2013 conference about the Multipliers concept, Why the best leaders make everyone smarter. Why is it that we are smart and capable around some leaders, and not around others? You probably spend a lot of time and money hiring the right people, but if you underutilize A players, they will become B players and finally quit – which gives you a retention problem. Worse still is when they become B players and stay – which gives you a morale problem. Is it possible that your people are underutilized but overworked? We think it is. Multipliers is a message about utilization, accessing the full capability and intelligence of people. We went on a leadership journey with a few of our global clients, proving the statement that improving leadership talents on five leadership disciplines (manage talent, create work climate, set direction, make decisions, and deliver results) should lead to better business results. Connecting leadership an d business. The Business Leadership Program was born.


Business & leadership
If you want to be a leader who amplifies the intelligence of your team and thus achieves the right business impact, you should be able to align all these aspects in a single program. We were inspired by two leading models and combined them with the business issues and leadership language of the organizations we worked with. How did we do this?

At first we started with the end in mind. What are the strategic goals of the organization? And why isn’t it achieving them at this moment? When we looked more in depth at this question, we started digging in the organization’s human capital analytics (HCA). How qualified are the employees for their jobs? To what extent is the current population capable of achieving the results? The HCA showed it was almost all covered.
Talents in place, ready to perform, and still a gap in achieving the results

It was all about getting it out of the people. It was all about leadership.

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Contact person: R. de Rijk
Organisation: Gooiconsult/VDS

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