Mi Ciudad Inteligente

Valladolid, Spain

Analysis and dissemination of smart cities project, in which two geographers -GEOCyL partners-, rode for eight weeks 30 cities belonging to the Spanish Network for Smart Cities – RECI – using an electric vehicle for their mobility.
30 days to analyze 30 Spanish cities using as intelligent thread of the project, the experience aboard an electric vehicle in urban areas.

It aims to disseminate the concept of Smart City, still fuzzy for much of the citizenry, placing value on sustainable mobility, energy and environmental efficiency, infrastructure management, and other actions that define smart cities.

“My Smart City” project has a double objective, analyze smart cities from a geographical point of view (analyzing how the new policies and actions transform intelligent life in our cities and morphology) for which this has been a unique experience working field away from traditional indices and desk studies. The other objective is the dissemination of Smart City, through www.miciudadinteligente.info, placing value on sustainable mobility, energy and environmental efficiency , technology, livability or governance, concepts that define this city paradigm because an informed citizenry will be sensitive and accountable for Smart City actions.

We also invite those interested in smart cities to follow us at @GEOCyL and @MiCiudadRECI through Twitter or MiCiudadInteligente and GEOCyL on Facebook.


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