Coruña Smart City

Coruña, Spain

“Coruña Smart City” project has been conceived with the objective of improving the quality of life of residents as well as the financial and business environment through technological innovation, positioning Coruña as a management reference for cities of the future.

The consortium comprised by the multinational consulting and technology firm Indra, Altia, the telecommunications operator R and Ilux Visual Technologies, are developing in A Coruña (Galicia-Spain) the first comprehensive government platform for a ‘smart city’ in Spain. It is emerging as one of the pioneering initiatives in the world in terms of implementation and extent of the areas incorporated.

“Coruña Smart City” project has been conceived with the objective of improving the quality of life of residents as well as the financial and business environment through technological innovation, positioning Coruña as a management reference for cities of the future.The “Coruña Smart City” platform will serve as a basis for managing and integrating all the smart services and solutions that comprise a city’s ecosystem in areas such as the environment, energy, urban mobility, healthcare, safety, leisure, tourism and e-administration. This great management centre will assist the various systems to exchange information in order to offer a comprehensive overview of activities. It will also include analysis tools to plot behaviour in the city (residents, facilities, traffic, etc.) with regard to the use of services in order to adapt these to real needs.

SOFIA2 is the base of the A Coruña City Government’s platform and it has been developed through the European R&D&i SOFIA (Smart Objects for Intelligent Applications) programme, in which Indra has participated activity and which had the aim of developing a middleware solution that facilitates the interoperability of multiple systems and devices, offering a semantic platform that enables making information about the real world available to intelligent applications (Internet of Things), with an open source and multi-language focus.

In the last weeks the Coruña Smart City has started the implementation of the connection between some of the foreseen 415 gateways-which will receive the information from the streets- and the platform. The gateways have been conceived from the beginning as very low consumption devices supplied by solar batteries and prepared to connect to all kind of networks and protocols, adapting to different environments depending on their location.

Additionally, Coruña Smart City includes 14 pilot projects in different management areas of the city. From those, some are already in process to be awarded: Intelligent Irrigation System, Event Information System, Energy Effiency in Public Buildings, Guided Tourist Visits, Air and Noise Quality and Control System and e-Administration.

The “Coruña Smart City” programme is the result of an agreement between the municipal administration and the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. The programme is endowed with a global budget of €11.5 million and is 80% financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operative R+D+I Programme.

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