
The CITyFiED project aims to deliver a replicable, systemic and integrated strategy to transform European cities into Smart Cities, focusing on reducing the energy demand and GHG emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources.

RepliCable and InnovaTive Future Efficient Districts and cities

This will be achieved through the definition of an innovative methodology and new business models that will allow to achieve extensive nearly-zero energy district renovations.
The project is addressing the following pillars, which are in line with the Smart Cities and Communities Initiative:

  • Large scale demonstrations, including three holistic district renovations at Laguna de Duero-Valladolid (Spain), Soma (Turkey) and Lund (Sweden)
  • Maximization of the replication potential through the organization of a cluster of cities and building a community of interest among cities
  • Development of innovative and cost effective methodologies and procedures for planning, deploying and replicating energy efficient district retrofitting actions
  • Development of better business models to support the strategy for transforming urban areas into Nearly Zero-Energy Districts
  • Dissemination and exploitation

The project will be validated through extensive demonstration actions in three cities, involving the retrofitting of more than 261,380 m2 of living space and 2,300 dwellings in a variety of demonstrative scenarios. Laguna de Duero-Valladolid (Spain), Soma (Turkey) and Lund (Sweden) are a set of cities, strategically located around Europe, which represent a variety of demonstrative scenarios of city level refurbishment in terms of district and building typologies, ownership models, district heating systems and technological solutions for low voltage electricity distributed generation.

These cities will address a holistic intervention of district renovation, in line with the aforementioned pillars of the project. All of the main technological aspects (retrofitting of buildings, district heating facility and distributed low voltage generation) will be addressed by means of a systemic approach in each city, in order to achieve significant energy savings, very low energy buildings and very low CO2 emissions. Each location has its own entity with respect to the demonstration capability, because the foreseen interventions will be in depth, covering ambitious energy targets and providing very high replication potential.

A City Cluster comprising 11 reference cities has been created in order to study the replication potential of the CITyFiED results. In addition, to maximise the impact and reach of the project results, a Community of Interest will be set up around the project involving 40 cities.


Take a look at the video ‘A green revolution in the heart of Spain’ –> 


Contact person: Dr. Ali Vasallo Belver
Organisation: Fundación CARTIF
Funding: 46,04 M€

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